River City United Methodist Church and Homefit Personal Training are partnering to provide backpacks and school supplies for kids at Alex R. Kennedy Elementary School. We are collecting supplies specifically for grades 3rd-5th. Below is a list of supplies sent out to the parents and students from Kennedy Elementary. Please only shop for items on this list provided.
You can bring your school supplies to:
River City UMC (Louisville Campus of Campbellsville University) 2303 Greene Way, Louisville, KY 40220
Monday thru Friday, 9AM-5PM
Sunday Morning Worship (10:30AM)
thru August 14.
Supplies received before August 6 would be a big help! Please put the school supplies into one disposable bag. Supplies will be distributed into a separate backpack. Please provide the entire list except the backpack. The backpacks are being donated through Homefit Personal Training Company!
1 Backpack-No Wheels (provided by Homefit)
3 Glue Sticks
24 Pencils
1 Box 24 count Crayons
1 Box 8 count Washable Markers
7 Notebooks (composition, spiral, or steno)
1 Pencil Box or Pencil Pouch
5 Two-Pocket Folders
1 Pair of Scissors
2 Ink Pens
1 Pack Loose-Leaf Paper (wide ruled)