Our hope at River City is that you grow daily in your walk with God! One way to do that is to spend time with God every day. This Grow, Pray and Study Guide (GPS) is just one easy way to connect with God on a daily basis.
Everyday Heroes
Week 1
This week we focused on Everyday Heroes and specifically Moses and Jethro. In this week’s GPS we will look at other Everyday Heroes who did small things with great love that God used in mighty ways! There will be scripture for each day. If you don’t have a Bible (we will get you one), but in the meantime check out www.biblegateway.com to look up the scriptures.
Monday: Moses and Jethro
Read Exodus 18
There are two heroes in this story. Moses is well known and Jethro is “kind of known.” You would think Moses is a hero because he has led the people out of Egypt and is a great leader. He is a hero for other reasons in this story. Jethro is also a hero. He doesn’t have the clout of Moses or the resume, but he does have a powerful position in Moses’ life. Moses trusts Jethro so he is able to challenge him, correct him and give him advice, but it took great courage for Jethro to correct Moses. It also took great courage and humility for Moses to accept Jethro’s constructive criticism. In this story Moses is a hero because he listened. Jethro is a hero because he had the courage to speak.
In your life this week where do you need to be an Everyday Hero by speaking? Is there a tough conversation that needs to take place? Where do you just need to simply listen and humble yourself to make some changes?
Tuesday—A Group of Buddies
Read Mark 2:1-12
I can picture a group of friends hanging out one night and all of sudden they are sick of the fact that their friend is paralyzed. They hear about Jesus coming to town and they think that there is a shot so they take action. It wasn’t planned. It was spontaneous–so spontaneous that they wouldn’t be denied. So they dug a hole in the roof! Can you picture Jesus’ astonishment at this group’s faith? Sometimes opportunities arise and we get the opportunity to respond. They arise somewhat spontaneously, but I bet these friends had been praying for their friend and working in other ways that would lead to his ultimate healing. Then out of nowhere a miracle happened and they turned into Everyday Heroes. No, they were working everyday. Praying everyday and those actions made them an every day hero.
Who is on your mat? Is there someone you need to pray for and care for or reach out too regularly? Ask God to reveal that person to you and pray for them.
Wednesday—Are you the other buddy?
Read Mark 2:1-12 (yes, I know it’s the same scripture as yesterday)
Yesterday you pictured yourself as the one carrying the mat. Now picture yourself as the one needing help. The one being carried. Who is carrying your mat?
We’ve all had times in our lives when someone has carried our mat. We might have fought them and we might have not liked it, but they helped lead us to healing. Sadly, most people don’t know what a great impact they made or are making in someone’s life. Take some time today to send a message (whatever way you see fit) to someone who carried your mat. Maybe even give them a call. Very few people see themselves as an Everyday Hero. Let the know how much they helped you.
Thursday—A long line of average Joes and Janes
Read Hebrews 11 and 12:1-3
This is a ragtag group of people that did amazing things for the Lord. Was there someone you didn’t recognize? Use www.biblegateway.com to search for their story. All of them had one thing in common. They believed God. Notice I didn’t say they believed in God. No. They “believed God.” To live in to being an Everyday Hero you must believe what God says about you. Not what others….your boss…your friends…your family say, but what God says. Here is a link to what God says about you…do you believe it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryDdxwwTosY
Friday—Esther and Mordecai
Watch this video about the story of Esther and Mordecai. For more info check out the book of Esther in the Old Testament! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOPgxCeg0ow
In what ways do you think Esther was an Everyday Hero? In what ways do you think Mordecai was an Everyday Hero? Now think about your life. In what ways are you an Everyday Hero?